It’s been a month since I have been at IIIT-H.  And I am spending most of  final four months of my undergrad doing research here. Really felt good saying “research” 😀 . I arrived in college and got an entire room to myself in the hostel,  allotted a computer to work on in the lab, no restrictions on the hostel timings, working along with some of the sincerest people  I have ever seen, cheap and unlimited food .. What more can one want ?

So what have I been doing the last one month ?

Exploring research areas under Prof. Kishore Kothapalli – mainly general purpose computing using GPUs  and computational geometry algorithms for range queries.

Attending classes on Distributed Algorithms taught by none other than Prof. Kannan Srinathan who can be described as a heroic, saintly, philosophical computer scientist. I will be writing some more posts to describe these classes 🙂

Participated in CodeSprint 2 and giving many interviews for getting a full-time working opportunity ( I don’t like to call it a job. And just so you know chinese food and early morning technical interviews are a bad combination :P)

Observing people doing research here. It is just a delight to see people working here. Makes me regret my decision a little of not having given gre. But I am definitely inspired and one never knows when one will land up doing some awesome research work.

I should ideally be preparing for my GATE exam which is going to be on 12th Feb and I have no idea what I am going to do 😛

Coming soon will be posts about my project work , some ideas on research which will entirely be my views as I don’t think I have much experience to boast yet 😉 .